Thursday, August 7, 2014

Social Media Competition - First Class Competition Results

What is the Social Media Competition?
The Social Media Competition is a student competition for marketing students in the Marketing Diploma program at Sheridan College, Ontario, Canada.  Students compete over a 2 -3 week period using the following metrics: Blog Visitors, Facebook Likes and Twitter Followers.

How does the Social Media Competition Work?
Each student group selects a unique niche topic for their blog.  They then create web content for the blog (written, video and Infographic) and market their blogs using Facebook and Twitter.  The competition is divided into several phases.  For a look at all student blogs competing, please visit our daily Social Media Competition Newsletter.

Congratulations to the top three Sheridan Digital Marketing 1 student groups for their outstanding performance in the Social Media Competition - First Class Competition Results!

Blog Users (Stats derived using Google Analytics)
First Place: 88 Users - Canadian Music
Second Place: 81 Users - Problems in the World
Third Place: 48 Users - Surviving as an Independent Musician

Facebook Likes
First Place: 122 Likes - Canadian Music
Second Place: 94 Likes - Problems in the World
Third Place: 76 Likes - Healthy Meals Under $10

Twitter Followers
First Place: 103 Followers - InFocus Photography
Second Place: 89 Followers: Problems in the World 
Third Place: 64 Followers: Maples Leafs Offseason

Want to know more about the Social Media Competition?  Watch the Social Media Competition Video.